College Hill Lodge

In 1917 Brother Charles Eisen, of Vattier Lodge #386, contacting several Masons requesting they meet and discuss the advisability of forming a Masonic Lodge in College Hill. Their endeavors, afterward proving very rewarding, are encompassed into three recorded events leading up to the Lodge Dispensation


January 12, 1917 In the Town Hall building, 32 Brethren in favor of initiating a Petition for Dispensation

Charles Eisen /  Vattier Lodge #386

A J Larmon / Lafayette Lodge #81

A L Sadler /  Miami Lodge #46

A W Macbrair / Avon Lodge #542

P A Ward / Colonel Clay Lodge #159 (KY)


January 26, 1917 Fifty-three assembled and presented the Petition for Dispensation.  After unanimous approval, the following was adopted:


Lodge named College Hill Lodge F. & A. M.

Officers appointed:

Stephan J Hauser PM / Worshipful Master

Charles Eisen / Senior Warden

Alvin L Sadler / Junior Warden


June 17, 1917, assembled in the Town Hall building, a reading of the Dispensation Petition to each Lodge and the Grand Lodge had been presented and received favorable consent. Committees were formed. A Lodge was opened whereas RWB James H Bromwell, Grand Secretary representing MWB Joel C Clore Grand Master of Masons in Ohio, read the approved Petition for Dispensation.


See our CHHSJ Lodge History Book 


Harry S. Johnson Lodge

The formation of a new Lodge was at a meeting that was called in May 19, 1959. WB Franklin Williams was elected to serve as Master of the proposed Lodge, with Brother Russell Haynie as Senior Warden  and Brother William Kukuk as Junior Warden. The new name of this Lodge was painfully easy as on this date was the death of MWB Harry Stevens Johnson, Past Grand Master of Masons in Ohio and current Grand Secretary.


College Hill - Harry S Johnson Lodge

The Harry S. Johnson Lodge #763 petition to merge was accepted by the Brethren by vote on February 5th 1995, and the name was changed to College Hill - Harry S Johnson Lodge #641.